Are you looking to improve employee resilience in the workplace?

A heavy workload and many deadlines can lead to staff to feel stressed and exhausted. It can be difficult for employees to maintain high enough energy levels to perform at their best throughout the day. Stress for an extended period of time this can result in overwhelm and burnout, requiring time off work. 

According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), almost 20% of employees in the UK have experienced burnout symptoms in the last year. Sadly this number increases year on year, resulting in days off work, business impact, and a burden on our health care system.

To address the challenge of overwhelm, stress and burnout many companies across the UK have started to introduce a programme of yoga and mindfulness to the workplace.

Introducing corporate or business yoga and mindfulness techniques in the workplace can help staff become more resilient to stress. As stress levels decrease, energy levels increase, and this can improve overall physical and mental well-being.

I can offer yoga, mindfulness meditation, breathing and/or relaxation activities in the workplace. These could be individual or regular classes, workshops and/or trainings and these sessions can take place on site at your company or at other locations such as yoga studios or conference rooms. 

The first step is a free consultation call to discuss further what will best suit your business, and from there can provide you with some ideas and a quotation.

Contact me now for a free consultation.



Incorporate Yoga practices into your daily life


Yoga and the Five Elements